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CALL for Tender: Circular PSP


To all IT providers and solution providers with expertise in #circulareconomy and #procurement: Do not miss this R&D funding opportunity!The CircularPSP project seeks to tackle this transition challenge by identifying solutions and digital tools to enhance circularity performance. The project offers a pre-commercial procurement opportunity, with the potential for a ā‚¬5.64 million investment!


CircularPSPĀ is excited to invite suppliers to support accelerating the adoption of circular practices within municipalities and local economy. We are seeking proposals for the development of an innovative Circular Economy solution that empowers municipal staff and local enterprises to embrace circular practices. šŸ’¼Ā Tender Package:

Ā (TD1 call, TD2 challenge)ā² Info sessions and training events each at 11:00 CET (Q&A, recorded)- 11.1.24 - General Tender Launch:

- 18.1.24 - Technical Application:

- 25.1.24 - Admin&Finance Application:

Ā Deadline: 1.4.24 - ā‚¬5.64 million without VAT


Our Challenge Brief describes what citiesĀ need to make the transition to a circulareconomyĀ happen. It was a lot of work, and it deserves a lot of thanks in a joint announcement and look-at-the year post.Ä°stanbul Metropolitan Municipality isĀ the Lead Procurer with support from TAGES team in coordination of Empirica Communication and Technology ResearchĀ Ā and all other project partners.Ā Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes - EEIP empirica Communication and Technology ResearchĀ TAGES RDIĀ ReLondonĀ RISE Research Institutes of SwedenĀ Sandyford Business District Circular BerlinĀ MunicĆ­pio de GuimarĆ£esĀ Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner Istanbul Metropolitan MunicipalityĀ 


We look forward to work with innovative R&D partners willing to provide a systemic solution for cities which is needed for many years and by thousands of cities across Europe.

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