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Call for Digital Identity Wallet Developers


The 7th Istanbul SMEs and Informatics Congress, organised by TBD Istanbul Branch, was held at Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA) on 4 June 2024 with the theme of "New Era in Productivity" this year: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Solutions" on 4 June 2024 at Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA). Leyla Arsan, CEO of TAGES talked about the importance of digital identities for SMEs and e-Governance Models where Prof. Dr. Gonca Telli Yamamoto moderated the session with other valuable speakers in the Panel titled "Digital Technology and Collaboration for Efficiency". Ayşegül Şensoy - President of Istanbul Blockchain Women Association, Mesut Demirbilek, CFE - Founder and Owner of My Security Analytics, Özlem Çalışkan Toprak - Edanova Bilişim Customer Management Manager, DR ŞÜKRÜ ASLANYÜREK - Retail Vision Ltd. Şti. Founder and Owner enlightened the audience with their valuable information.

Indeed, in today's business world, digital transformation is vital not only for large companies but also for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In this context, at Kobi2024 7th Istanbul SMEs and Informatics Congress, topics such as the potential effects of blockchain technology, the importance of digital identities and e-governance models, digitalisation of processes such as employee background screening, digital transformation in smart cities and "cloud hybrid" approach for future retail and tourism entrepreneurs stood out as strategic elements that will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of SMEs.

The Importance of Digital Identities for SMEs and e-Governance Models

In her speech titled "The Importance of Digital Identities for SMEs and e-Governance Models", Ms Leyla Arsan emphasised that digital identities are the elements that enable SMEs to interact with their customers, suppliers and government agencies in a secure and effective manner. Thanks to digital identities, processes such as tax declaration, electronic invoicing and data exchange can be carried out faster and more securely through e-governance models. This is a feature that will help SMEs increase their operational efficiency while ensuring their legal compliance. In addition, since digital identities minimise cyber security risks and provide assurance on data privacy, we also saw them as features that can reduce transaction time and costs. The GLASS Project funded by the Horizon 2020 Program run from January 1st, 2021, until December 31st, 2023. The initiative used blockchain technology to deliver a distributed framework for sharing common services of public administration across the EU, for the benefit of citizens, businesses and governments. 

The “Alice video”  of GLASS Project is vey enlightening as an example to self-sovereign digital identity wallets in the EU.


Since decentralised digital identities, where the person keeps his/her own sovereign data under his/her own control, are on the EU's agenda, it should be considered as a new opportunity for ICT SMEs to develop digital identity wallets compliant with the EU standard eIDAS 2.0. TAGES calls those SMEs to collaborate with on digital identity wallet innovative product development.

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